Your Housing Options

Unfortunately we cannot help everyone who wants affordable housing. Not everyone will be eligible or qualify for Bucks Home Choice.

If you are looking for a home, or wish to move to another property,we strongly advise you consider all options. Please click on the links below to find out more about your alternative housing options:

Downsizing - Moving to a smaller social housing property

Homelessness - Homelessness can affect anyone, for a variety of reasons

Housing Advice - Support agencies which you may find useful

Private renting - Private rented accommodation can include renting a flat or house, sharing accommodation or lodging

Buying a home - Help to Buy is a government funded programme that helps eligible people to buy a home of their own in a number of ways

Mutual Exchange - If you are a secure tenant of a local housing authority or an assured tenant of a registered Housing Association you can exchange your property with another tenant

Being asked to leave your accommodation?